(613) 596-9390                          


Thank you for your interest in serving at Arlington Woods Church in a volunteer capacity with children or teens! Please complete our online application form below.

To be accepted for a volunteer position:

  • You may be required to participate in a brief interview, which will assist in determining your suitability for the role.
  • You must provide two (2) personal character references. These references will be contacted by church staff.
  • You must provide a Police Records Check for Service with the Vulnerable Sector if the role is one where you would be working with kids or youth under 18 years of age or if you would be serving in Pastoral Care and visitation. (Police checks must be updated every 3 years)
  • You must go through our online Plan to Protect training course in abuse awareness, prevention and protection for volunteer positions where you would be working with kids or youth under 18 years of age. (A refresher course must be done every 2 years)
  • You agree to respect the values and beliefs of Arlington Woods Church and conduct yourself in a manner accordingly.
  • You authorize a member of Arlington Woods Church to contact your character references in order to collect the information that is appropriate to the church. The information obtained will be confidential.




SPIRITUAL HISTORY (If you consider yourself to be a Christian)

Please note that we have several volunteer opportunities for those who would not yet consider themselves a Christian. In these cases, we ask that volunteers respect the beliefs of our church and conduct themselves in a manner accordingly. There are, however, some leadership roles where being a Christian and endeavoring to live according to those values is a requirement (for example: teaching or mentoring roles).


Please remember to speak to your refences beforehand and let them know that the church will be contacting them (preferably by email).



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