(613) 596-9390                          


Small Groups and Prayer Meetings:

(As of August 2024)

Email info@arlingtonwoods.ca for the login link for the prayer meetings.

You can contact Emily Riley, our office administrator, at info@arlingtonwoods.ca, with any of your questions and to find out which small group would be a great fit for you. 


9:30-9:50 AM- PRE-SERVICE PRAYER (weekly, in person in the prayer room and on ZOOM). All are welcome every Sunday morning for pre-service prayer! Email info@arlingtonwoods.ca for the ZOOM link.

10:15-11:15 AM- KIDZONE (weekly, in person in the KIDZONE area) KIDZONE is our Sunday morning kids program for kids grades JK-6. For more info, visit https://arlingtonwoods.ca/kids.php


7:00 PM- MEN'S PRAYER MEETING (once a month on the first Monday of each month, in person, at the church) Email Tim Priddle for more information.  Please note that this group will be resuming meeting monthly on September 11th.  After this date the group will meet the first Monday of each month.


9:30-11:00 AM- TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY LED BY GERRY VAN DYK (weekly, on ZOOM) - Join us for a weekly Bible study over Zoom.  New members are welcome! Email Gerry at  gerry.vandyk1@gmail.com  for the ZOOM link or for more information.  This group will resume studying the gospel of Mark on September 10th.

7:00-8:30 PM -VIRTUAL PRAYER MEETING (weekly, on ZOOM) with a special focus on reaching our community and praying for our youth and young adults.  This group is led by several leaders.  Email info@arlingtonwoods.ca for the ZOOM link and for more information.


9:30-11:00 AM- WOMEN'S MORNING SMALL GROUP (weekly, in person in the Foyer) All ladies are welcome to join us.  Email Shirley (shirleybolduc@gmail.com) for more info.  Our group resumes Sept. 18.  This fall, our study guide is "The Good and Beautiful God: Falling in Love with the God Jesus Knows” by James Bryan Smith.  As well, once a month, we will have a dedicated sharing and prayer time.

9:30-11:00 AM- THE ROC - REACHING OUT FOR CHRIST (weekly, in person in the Creekside Room) Senior men are invited to partiscipate this weekly small group.  During their sessions they engage in devotions, prayer and enjoy various games.  Email Walter for additional information.  This group is currently taking a break for the summer.  We will resume in September.

7:00-8:30 PM- PRECEPT BIBLE STUDIES (weekly, in Creekside).  Join the Precept Small Group in Creekside starting September 18 for a study on "Lord Teach Me How To Pray". If you are interested in joining, please reach out to awcprecept@gmail.com or speak to Yolande for more information.

7:00-8:30 PM - FUKUMOTO SMALL GROUP (weekly, in person)  led by Neil Fukumoto.  Email info@arlingtonwoods.ca for more information.  This group will be resuming on September 25 and continuing to study the Fruit of the Spirit.  Stay tuned for more details on the location.


7:30-9:00 PM- MEN'S SMALL GROUP(Weekly, in person, Fireside Lounge) Join us for a time of fellowship and growth.  For more information, contact Dan McEwen by email or phone (613-795-4900).  This group is currently taking a break for the summer and will resume in September.

7:00-8:00 PM- VIRTUAL PRAYER MEETING (weekly, on ZOOM) -with a special focus on Pastors and church leaders.  All are welcome.  Myrna Sweetman leads this group. Email info@arlingtonwoods.ca for the ZOOM link and for more information.


6:30-9:00 PM- CATALYST YOUTH for teens grades 6-12 (weekly, in person, Creekside Room) Each week features fun group games, worship, a Bible-based talk, discussion, and a chance to connect with each other.   For more information, visit www.arlingtonwoods.ca/teens and email our office administrator to get updates.