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Pay It Forward


Pay It Forward Debt Retirement Campaign. Click here to give toward this campaign.


Click HERE to download a PDF copy of our campaign brochure.

Our goal for this campain is $880,000


Pay It Forward... For Financial Freedom!



In September 2018, Arlington Woods Church experienced a tornado that caused extensive damage to our church building and grounds. This led us to enter into a building renovation campaign to repair and update our facility, as simply restoring the damaged part of the building (built 50 years ago) to its pre-tornado condition was not a long-term viable option.



Our "New Horizon" Campaign was launched to raise funds so that we could make these necessary improvements to our church building. In January 2021, the renovation began which included wheelchair accessibilty to our building and entrances, installing a new insulated floor in the Evergreen Hall, creating the White Pine Cafe space in the lobby, and adding larger windows in the lobby, Evergreen Hall and Creekside Room. 



Our church ran a very successful fundraising campaign where we raised $1,221,575.76 over a span of three years and saw the renovations completed, but due to Covid-related cost increases affecting building materials and labour, we were left with outstanding expenses of $780,000. In May 2022, we secured a loan and mortgage totalling $800,000 ($150,000 loan, $630,000 mortgage, $20,000 to cover costs for our debt retirement campaign).




In November 2023, we reached a great milestone in our debt retirement campaign! We paid of our loan of $146,197! This alone saves us $75,000 in interest payments if we had carried the debt full-term (20 years)! 

As of December 2024, we have been paying $4,628.39 EACH MONTH to carry the debt. This has been reduced by almost $1000/month from when we launched the campaign thanks to all of those who've given! 

Annually, we're currently paying $55,540.68. The sooner we can pay down the debt, the less interest we'll have to pay, allowing us to invest more in ministry!



Pay It Forward... To Increase Our Generosity!


We want this campaign to be about something more than our need to pay down the debt on our building.

In 2 Corinthians 8:2-3, Paul wrote that the church in Macedonia had many troubles and were very poor, and yet they were extreme in their generosity, giving to those in need.

In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul encouraged the church in Corinth to be generous and, because of their generosity, God would provide for their needs. Paul said that this kind of extreme generosity was a tangible sign to everyone that they loved God and loved others!

We have decided that, through the course of this campaign, we are going to give 10% of our goal- $80,000- to local, Canada-wide, and worldwide Christian not-for-profit projects!

Throughout this campaign, we will be giving $80,000 to help others locally, across Canada, and around the world. 

In June 2023 we developed a Generosity Team who is tasked with researching mission opportunities and projects that we will be supporting through this campaign as we hit each Generosity Goal. The recipients of each Generosity Goal will be revealed throughout the course of the campaign.

When we hit each generosity goal, we will not only be celebrating how much of the debt we’ve payed off, but celebrating how we’ve been a blessing and tangible help to others!



Capital City Mission

We reached our first Generosity Goal in April 2024! We presented a cheque for $10,000 on Sunday, May 5, 2024 to provide kitchen equipment for Capital City Mission (CCM)!

CCM have received an 80% increase in meal program users since 2020 and most of their appliances are 15-20 years old. List of items include a larger coffeemaker, a dishwasher, and a deli meat slicer to better serve their community.

Capital City Mission runs a coffee-house style drop-in which is a place of friendship and community for the poor and homeless in downtown Ottawa. It's a home for many people who don't have families in their lives. CCM also runs a bible study and provides chaplain care. For more information visit https://capitalcitymission.com/.

Christian Counselling Ottawa

We reached our first Generosity Goal in April 2024! We presented a cheque for $10,000 on Sunday, May 5, 2024 to help Christian Counselling Ottawa update and re-launch their Youth Skills and Support Program!

This will help create both a two- week and an eight-week program to support youth (ages 12-16) who are dealing with trauma, PTSD, sexual violence, anxiety, cyberbullying, and other mental health challenges. 50% of the funding would update the material and 50% would help re-launch the program by deferring fees for students.

Christian Counselling Ottawa (CCO) is committed to providing professional and accessible counselling and psychotherapy to assist people in effectively managing life’s challenges. They provide individual, couple, and family counselling in the areas of grief, depression, anxiety, addiction, abuse, trauma, relationship issues in marriages and families, child development, as well as providing counselling for churches and pastors. Visit www.christiancounsellingottawa.ca for more information.

Generosity Goal #2. When we reach $580,000 we will give $25,000 away!


When we reach our next Generosity Goal, we will be giving $25,000 to Focus on the Family Canada's Kerith Renewal Retreat for Ministry Leaders.

Kerith Renewal Retreats are for individuals or couples involved in vocational ministry (pastoral, missionary, para-church), allowing them to benefit from a 7-day retreat at one of three centres located across Canada. The retreat includes private accommodation, personal counseling, small-group teaching, and one-year of personalized follow-up, encouragement, and support from program directors.

The cost for a couple ($4,500) is annually subsidized by supporters, so the organization can charge a reduced fee of $1,700. This cost is still prohibitive for some individuals and couples, so our funding would allow up to 14 couples to participate at no cost to them.

Through prayer and conversation, our Generosity Team recognized that the path to healthy communities across Canada goes through a healthy Canadian Church. While we are all privileged to be a part of the ministry of the Church, God has called some to vocationally serve in ministry. Working in vocational ministry has many blessings, but an abundance of financial resources is typically not one of them.

As Hebrews 13:17 reminds us, our spiritual leaders have a huge responsibility placed upon their
shoulders by God. As such, the Enemy would like nothing more than to discourage, disable, and
disqualify the leaders of churches and ministries across Canada. As a congregation that God has blessed with an abundance of material resources, we’re excited to be able to provide love, care, and support to ministry leaders of congregations or organizations across our country.


Generosity Goal #3. When we reach our final goal of $880,000 we will celebrate the elimination of our debt by giving $35,000 away!


When we hit our third and final Generosity Goal, there will be a huge celebration! Not only will we have eliminated our debt, but we will give $35,000 more! As we get closer to reaching this goal, we will reveal the recipients.


How Can I Pay It Forward?


This is the first and most important step in preparing your heart to respond to God's call to action: Pray "God, what would You have me give over the course of three years to the PAY IT FORWARD campaign?"


Prepare to give sacrificially. Remember, these are gifts above and beyond your regular financial giving to the church. Think in terms of what you can give up in order to pay off our debt and bless others through our generosity stretch goals.


Make a three-year giving pledge! Pick up a campaign packet at the church (or ask us and we'll mail you one!). Fill out the pledge card included in your campaign packet and make a commitment to give a certain amount over the next three years.

How to give to the Pay It Forward Debt Retirement Campaign


Place your donation in an offering envelope at the church, earmark it "Pay It Forward" and place it an offering box. Alternately, you can drop it by the church office or mail it to Arlington Woods Church, 225 McClellan Rd. Nepean, ON K2H 8N5.


You're in the right place! Simply scroll down to the bottom of this page to give securely online or set up a recurring donation towards our debt retirement campaign.


Donations of stocks, bonds, securities, real estate, or other assets can be an effective way to give. You can also donate a gift in kind or give income from savings, tax refunds, bonuses, or dividends. Please contact our treasurer at treasurer@arlingtonwoods.ca about these other giving options.


Give Securely online to the Pay It Forward Debt Retirement Campaign

The embedded form below provides secure communications to our service provider in accordance with recognized industry standards. Click on "Learn More" at the bottom of the form for more information.

Please fill in the form accurately so that your donation can be readily processed and for year-end tax receipting purposes. 

While you will receive a confirmation email from donate@arlingtonwoods.ca for your donation, this is for reference purposes only and not your official receipt.

If you need assistance processing your donation, please send an email to donate@arlingtonwoods.ca