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Our annual VERY CATALYST CHRISTMAS PARTY is going VIRTUAL this year! Join us on ZOOM on Friday, December 18th from 6:45-8:45pm! The party is for teens grades 6-12 and our youth ministry leaders. The ZOOM link will be sent out in our weekly CATALYST email.

Our Christmas elves have mailed or delivered special packets that should be opened by teens during the party. Please don't open the packets ahead of time as that will ruin the surprise.

Teens need to have: a computer or tablet with ZOOM enabled (like normal on a youth night), coloured pencils/markers, a few pieces of paper, a pencil or pen, some tape, and some Christmas snacks. They should have their computer/tablet set up in an area where they have some additional table space. The party will include some fun Christmas group games, our annual SUPER INSANE CHRISTMAS QUIZ, and a few fun surprises. For more information, contact Pastor Ben at ben@arlingtonwoods.ca