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We haven't done a CATALYST MISSION WEEK since COVID, but we're excited to be bringing it back!

Things kick off on Friday, April 5th with a cookie baking night! Try to come early at 6:30pm! We'll be baking cookies that we will then freeze and then give out at Capital City Mission when we visit! That night, we'll also be joined by one of the leaders at Capital City Mission who will share about what they do and why it's so important!

Then, on Tuesday, April 9th and 16th, we'll be taking two small groups of teenagers to serve at Capital City Mission (521 Rideau Street). We will leave the church on both those dates at 5:40pm EXACTLY (so don't be late!). We would return to the church by 8:30pm. 

Teens will be handing out cookies and sandwiches, serving coffee, and just helping out and seeing what a difference CCM makes.

We can't take a lot of teens each night, so first come first served! Sign up below.

If you would be interested in providing sandwiches that we can bring on one of those nights, please indicate that on the form below as well! Sandwiches should be individually wrapped/packaged (like in ziplock sandwich bags) so that people can carry the food with them if needed. If teens can't come but you would still like to provide sandwiches, just contact Pastor Ben at ben@arlingtonwoods.ca).


By completing the below information, you are agreeing with the following:

I/we, the parents or guardians named below, authorize Pastor Ben Spears or one of the Arlington Woods Free Methodist Church volunteers to sign a consent for medical treatment or procedures for the participants names below. I/we named below, undertake and agree to idemnify and hold blameless Arlington Woods Free Methodist Church, its pastors, representatives, and Board of Elders from and against any loss, damage, or injury suffered by the participant as a result of being part of the activities of the MISSION WEEK event, as well as of any medical treatment authorized by the supervising individuals representing the church. I/we give permission for our teen(s) to be transported to/from Capital City Mission on the designated dates. This consent and authorization is effective only when participating in the MISSION WEEK event, an event of Arlington Woods Free Methodist Church.

Which date works best for them to serve?*
Could you provide sandwiches for us to serve at CCM? (Should be individually wrapped)*
Validation Code