(613) 596-9390                          


CATALYST Summer BBQ on Friday, August 27th, 6-7:30pm.

Hey teens!

Are you interested in joining us for a special in-person CATALYST in the church parking lot on Friday, August 27th from 6-7:30pm? Our plan is that we will have a BBQ supper (hamburgers, chips, drinks, and dessert) and a chance to chat and play some games (while maintaining social distancing).

You must wear a mask at times when you aren't 2 meters apart or to use the washrooms in the church building and must practice social distancing as much as possible.

If you want to join us, fill out the form below ASAP so we know how many are interested in attending and so we can plan for food. Yes, you can invite a friend, but they need to fill out the online form as well! You must sign up by Tuesday, August 24th to attend.

If the weather is going to be nasty that night we will meet over ZOOM for a virtual games night instead.

Pastor Ben

I understand that I will not attend if I have COVID symptoms. I will wear a mask and practice social distancing.*
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